Rely on Hill Street to complement the services provided by your advertising agency and your in-house marketing department. We get to know your business, goals and campaigns along with the nitty-gritty stuff like procedures, protocols & contacts so you can expect agency-quality results with the same familiarity as your in-house department. And since Hill Street is a very small firm, when you need it now, you get it now. With no compromises to quality. Ever.
As a professional design firm, Hill Street takes your corporate identity very seriously. We make sure that all of your standards, logos and colours are strictly adhered to. We will work closely with your agency and in-house departments to ensure all of the print collateral that we design is in keeping with the spirit of your core creative. This means all of your printed material has a cohesive, unified look that speaks for your company in one clear voice.
When you need strategic marketing support, but aren’t quite ready for the high cost of an advertising agency or prefer to build a relationship with a smaller firm, Hill Street, along with its core group of partners, can provide a full-service, agency -quality foundation. Consider us your very own marketing department.
When every dollar counts, count on Hill Street’s extensive experience and proven track record for innovative, cost-saving, efficient design and direct-mail solutions. We work miracles with your one- and two-colour jobs to look like a million bucks, and hopefully raise a million bucks, too.
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